Category Archives: Presentation Breakdowns

Steve Jobs’ Presentation Recipe

One year ago, Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs passed away.

He left behind a legacy that centered around passion for technology, fusing art with science to create one of the most advanced series of products we’ve ever seen.

Jobs was known for his passion for new products, which he best showcased in his keynotes. His skills are almost unparalleled. In this post, we’ll take a look at what exactly made these events so special, how the mistro of presentations approached and executed his most celebrated moments.… Continue Reading →

Why Being Runners-Up Is A Good Thing

Recently, Big Fish competed at EO Thrive’s Global Student Entrepreneur Awards in Detroit, Michigan. A few of our team members travelled to the motor city to showcase our business to a panel of judges, while experiencing a network of young, successful entrepreneurs. After weeks of preparation and practice, we gave our presentation. The judges said it was the closest competition they’d seen in years.… Continue Reading →

Presentation Breakdown: Rich Mulholland “Escaping Educational Legacide”

This week’s presentation breakdown features Missing Link CEO and former rock star roadie Rich Mulholland.  After operating lights for bands like Iron Maiden and Def Leppard, Mulholland started South Africa’s first presentation company, Missing Link.  He is also an outstanding speaker and education activist.

In this TED talk, Mulholland speaks about his proposition of reinventing the educational system.  He believes that people should never stop learning.  … Continue Reading →

Presentation Review: Jill Bolte Taylor’s “Stroke of Insight”

What would you do if you woke up to find yourself experiencing a stroke?

That’s exactly what Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor experienced on the morning of December 10, 1996.

As a neuroanatomist, Taylor studies higher brain functions, particularly diseases such as Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.  When her brother was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Taylor dedicated her career and her life to studying the disease and others like it.… Continue Reading →

Presentation Review: Elizabeth Gilbert on “Nurturing Creativity”

This week we decided to try something new. Instead of breaking down a presentation in segments, we thought we’d review a popular TED talk and discuss it in a different form. This week’s presentation features the author of the mega-bestseller “Eat, Pray, Love,” Elizabeth Gilbert. Gilbert, a former magazine writer turned novelist, delves into the concepts behind the roots and realities of the creative process.Continue Reading →

Rory Sutherland: “Perspective is Everything”

This week’s presentation breakdown features brand specialist Rory Sutherland.  “Rory Sutherland stands at the center of an advertising revolution in brand identities, designing cutting-edge, interactive campaigns that blur the line between ad and entertainment.” ( We take a look at his newest TED talk as he delves into the realm of perspective, applying psychological solutions to economical and technological problems.  Take a gander, and let us know what you think in the comments below or via Twitter or Facebook as well!  … Continue Reading →

Presentation Breakdown: “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

So we’ve got numerous requests to do more of these TED presentation breakdowns, so we’ve thought to ourselves, “Why not feature the latest and coolest presentations?”

And that’s what we’re doing.

Today we’re featuring Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” presentation:

Please see below our breakdown on how Sinek enchants his audience.


Simon Sinek

“How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

 0:00-0:28 – Begins the presentation with a series of questions to the audience

  • Right off the bat, Sinek has engaged the audience with a deep question, one that actually stimulates thought and creates a tiny wisp of suspense. 
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Here at Big Fish, we stick by our belief that it takes studying great work in order to create great work.  Without analyzing the masters of an art, it is impossible to produce work of the same caliber.  So, in order to give you all a sense of work that we admire and perceive as some of the greatest, we have broken down two presentations, providing commentary and insights.  … Continue Reading →

Midwest Entrepreneur Conference

Hey guys, these are the three presentations I referred to earlier.

Whether through small anecdotes, audience engagement, or musical numbers, these are excellent examples of speakers using storytelling to illustrate a concept or get a message across.  They all have a hero, a villain and the element of suspense.  Even if they are not obvious, these elements do exist in every good presentation.  … Continue Reading →

Big Fish Picks: 5 Awesome Motivational Presentations

Being a presentation company, we specialize in the structure, design and delivery of quality presentations.   We believe that a well-prepared and well-delivered presentation can transform any topic into a memorable, inspiring experience. 

 One of the ways in which we judge the power of a presentation is by breaking down the elements to see what enchants an audience.  Just as a filmmaker dissects his favorite films and emulates them in his own work, our team utilizes these elements in order to give our clients the edge in their next presentation. 

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