Tag Archives: entrepreneurship

Preparing Presentations: 5 Ways to Practice ’til Perfect

“Practice makes perfect.”

We’ve all heard it.  Many, many times, in fact.

Although it has been repeated many times over your lifetime, it still rings truth.  In any skill that you choose to pursue, if you practice it enough, you will be nearly perfect at it.  There’s no way to get around it.  Unless you are naturally talented at something or get extremely lucky, odds are the only way to “sharpen your sword,” so to speak , is through repetition.  … Continue Reading →

25 Awesome Public Speaking Quotes

Preorder our new book, “The Big Fish Experience” to see everything we’ve learned over the years, all the resources we use to do what we do, and our tips on how to present experiences.

Public speaking is the number one fear in America.  Death is number two.

From sweaty palms to cracking voices, speaking publicly can be terrifying, yet it is a crucial skill to have in the business world.  … Continue Reading →

Kenny Nguyen: Simplistic Design + Passion in Presentations

Here’s a clip of our CEO/Founder being brave and presenting to a crowd how to deliver a presentation on presentations…without a presentation.  Darn technical mishaps. In the clip below, Kenny speaks about simplistic design, passion, and his story of entrepreneurship.  Check it out:


Note to self…always have a backup plan as the show must go on.… Continue Reading →

5 Small Business Tools We Love

DISCLAIMER: So I know this is a presentation blog, but hear me out; I just love the sport of business and the subject of entrepreneurship. A friend recently asked me about some tools I use in my business and that inspired me to do this blog post.

While I would love to write about the latest new business tools available, the tools I write about below are actual online tools we use daily to run Big Fish Presentations.… Continue Reading →


Here at Big Fish, we stick by our belief that it takes studying great work in order to create great work.  Without analyzing the masters of an art, it is impossible to produce work of the same caliber.  So, in order to give you all a sense of work that we admire and perceive as some of the greatest, we have broken down two presentations, providing commentary and insights.  … Continue Reading →

The 3 T’s of Entrepreneurship


en·tre·pre·neur / äntrəprəˈno͝or/

  1. A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on financial risk to do so.

Entrepreneurs are game-changers.

By their very nature, they are re-inventors, originators of fresh ideas.

In their day-to-day activities, they take risks and pursue their dreams so that they can continue to push the boundary in their chosen industry.

We believe Baton Rouge is a very healthy environment for entrepreneurs.  … Continue Reading →

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