Tag Archives: motivational

Kenny Nguyen: Simplistic Design + Passion in Presentations

Here’s a clip of our CEO/Founder being brave and presenting to a crowd how to deliver a presentation on presentations…without a presentation.  Darn technical mishaps. In the clip below, Kenny speaks about simplistic design, passion, and his story of entrepreneurship.  Check it out:


Note to self…always have a backup plan as the show must go on.… Continue Reading →

Presentation Breakdown: “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

So we’ve got numerous requests to do more of these TED presentation breakdowns, so we’ve thought to ourselves, “Why not feature the latest and coolest presentations?”

And that’s what we’re doing.

Today we’re featuring Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” presentation:

Please see below our breakdown on how Sinek enchants his audience.


Simon Sinek

“How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

 0:00-0:28 – Begins the presentation with a series of questions to the audience

  • Right off the bat, Sinek has engaged the audience with a deep question, one that actually stimulates thought and creates a tiny wisp of suspense. 
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