[Update 7/26: Some people say that the link isn’t working for them to download the whitepaper. Just email us at hq@localhost and we’ll be happy to shoot it your way.]
Kenny here. Today, I’d like to give our loyal blog followers, a nice little present from the Big Fish Presentations team.
You can now download our newest white-paper Seven Ways to Rock Your Next Presentation by clicking on the picture above or clicking the link here.… Continue Reading →

It’s an age-old argument. Whether it’s music, fashion or lifestyle, people are constantly debating the pros and cons of old vs. new. Do fundamentals outweigh breakthroughs? Is a fresh approach more effective than maintaining tradition?
These questions are often very difficult to answer. However, they are worth exploring.
At Big Fish, we frequently ponder this issue when it comes to giving and designing presentations. … Continue Reading →
Here’s a clip of our CEO/Founder being brave and presenting to a crowd how to deliver a presentation on presentations…without a presentation. Darn technical mishaps. In the clip below, Kenny speaks about simplistic design, passion, and his story of entrepreneurship. Check it out:
Note to self…always have a backup plan as the show must go on.… Continue Reading →
Preorder our new book, “The Big Fish Experience” to see everything we’ve learned over the years, all the resources we use to do what we do, and our tips on how to present experiences.
There’s a shift occurring in the presentation world.
It’s been happening slowly, but is picking up pace as people are beginning to “get” how important presentations really are to your business, organization or brand.… Continue Reading →