Tag Archives: practice

The Top 7 Rookie Mistakes Of Public Speaking.

They say there’s no point where you should stop learning. Here at Big Fish, we have to continually be open to different ideas, approaches and the far-off unknown. In this, we’ve always wanted to have a guest post for our blog. Unfortunately, we never really followed through on having a guest blogger… That is, until we met Sarah:


The following post is a guest post from Sarah Bedrick.Continue Reading →

The Power of the Pause

“The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.” – Mark Twain

“Um, you know, like…”

You’ve heard it many, many times in your daily life.  Whether it’s your friend telling a story, your teacher giving a lesson, or even at a professional business pitch or speech.  I bet you say it all of the time and don’t even realize it!… Continue Reading →