5 Ways to Spice Up Your Presentation

Presenting can be intimidating. One of the best ways to make your presentation a success is to keep your audience interested and engaged. But how do you do this? When speaking to a huge crowd, it can be difficult to keep the audience focused on you. Big Fish is sharing some tricks-of-the-trade we use to spice up our presentations.

1. Make them laugh. Loosen up the crowd by relaxing and just being yourself. Trying to perfect every detail of your presentation will only make you more nervous and will probably cause you to mess up. We’re not saying to be unprofessional, but don’t be afraid to make jokes and interact with the audience. If you mess up, just laugh it off. The audience will respect you more if you are a genuine presenter.


2. Encourage your audience to use their phones. In today’s world of technology, your audience is their phones anyway. Ask them to tweet you during your presentation. Choose a hashtag and tell your audience to tweet you with comments. This way, they interact with you, and you receive feedback for your next presentation.

3. Dress the part. If you are presenting a fun topic, have fun with your outfit! You always need to look presentable (keep yourself covered, please), but find an outfit or costume that matches your personality and the topic you are discussing. Your audience will enjoy the change of pace from the mundane presenters before you.

4. Use props. Bringing props into a presentation is an easy and unique way to give people a visual of your topic. Visuals are what your audience remembers the most from your presentation, so give them something original to learn from. Plus, if you are a nervous speaker, it gives you something to do with your hands!


5. Experiment with audio and video. Try to use audio and video in different ways. Incorporate audio into your presentation, even if your topic has nothing to do with sound. Instead of just showing a video, turn off the sound and talk your audience through it. This adds emphasis to your presentation but won’t take away from the bulk of what your presentation is about.

We hope these tips and tricks spice up your next presentation. Be sure to subscribe to our blog for more great presentation advice!

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