Preorder our new book, “The Big Fish Experience” to see everything we’ve learned over the years, all the resources we use to do what we do, and our tips on how to present experiences.

It may be something we often overlook, but typography plays an essential part in the presentation process. Each logo we see is specifically designed with a font to fit the brand.… Continue Reading →
Since the dawn of time, the basis of storytelling has not changed, but the novel way that these stories are told is changing every day.
In this TED talk, Joe Sabia depicts how presentations have changed, from the first cave drawings to Facebook pages. With help from his iPad, he engages the audience in a narrative about the man who changed storytelling forever, Lothar Meggendorfer; the creator of the pop-up book.… Continue Reading →

We are not psychic or telepathic. We typically don’t even know what we will be eating for lunch. However, our lack of sixth sense does not inhibit Big Fish employees from looking forward. After all, we are innovators, big thinkers, risk takers and goof balls. And as time pushes forward and the 2012 calendar is thrown in the trash, Big Fish can’t help but think of what is to come.… Continue Reading →

2012 has been a rock-star year for Big Fish. So, we’ve compiled a list of our visual accomplishments.
1. First Addy’s Presentation. We are looking forward to the Addy’s next year!
2. We revamped our logo and website.
3. A regular day of work at the Baton Rouge Zoo with the entire Big Fish team.
4. The Big Fish team moved down the road to a new office complete with a chalk-board wall, aviator sunglass mirrors and a blackout production room.… Continue Reading →

Whether you believe people are born with creativity or that creativity is a learned skill, one thing is certain. Creativity is not always there. It comes and goes like your crazy Aunt Katherine. It can be a spark of madness, the outcome of hours of coffee consumption and little sleep with only tiny tooth picks to hold your eyes open.
Here at Big Fish we value creativity. … Continue Reading →

“The conference was the ultimate way to network and meet the millennials that can change the future.” – Kenny Nguyen
CEO and Founder of Big Fish Presentations, Kenny Nguyen, received the 2012 College Entrepreneur of the Year Award while attending the Collegiate Entrepreneur Organization (CEO) National Conference on November 3, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. The conference was held throughout the weekend at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place.… Continue Reading →

Hey guys!
We got a lot of positive feedback on our last set of 25 public speaking quotes, so we decided to dig a little deeper and find some more awesome quotes for you guys. These are some great words from some great and notable people in the presentation, public speaking and communication sectors. Do what you will with them, whether that’s memorizing them, putting them on your fridge or even just scanning them here for inspiration.… Continue Reading →