Prezi’s Top 100

Here at Big Fish we pride ourselves on our presentation prowess. However, we don’t really like to boast about it that much. If you haven’t noticed, a lot of our blogs are mostly tips: top 10s, 7s, anything really.


Well, our goal from day one has been to rid the world of bad presentations. And, honestly, you don’t accomplish this by hogging knowledge.… Continue Reading →

The Top 7 Rookie Mistakes Of Public Speaking.

They say there’s no point where you should stop learning. Here at Big Fish, we have to continually be open to different ideas, approaches and the far-off unknown. In this, we’ve always wanted to have a guest post for our blog. Unfortunately, we never really followed through on having a guest blogger… That is, until we met Sarah:


The following post is a guest post from Sarah Bedrick.Continue Reading →

Casual Fridays: Phil and The Third & The Seventh.

We realize that we post a lot of tips on presentations and presenting in general. We also realize this is the part of our blog valued most by our audience, by people like you. However, what we say in this blog is a direct reflection of who we are, and that’s something we don’t post a lot of.

This is Big Fish’s blog, but Big Fish is just a group of people and their passions.… Continue Reading →

5 Key Principles of Using Photography in Presentations

A picture is worth a thousand words. But what does that mean? Images are powerful and emotional. One image can tell an entire story. Images stir curiosity and engage an audience that wants to be entertained. In a presentation, images create an experience and leave a reference visual for your audience to remember in the future. Using photography in presentations can be tricky if it isn’t used correctly.… Continue Reading →

Big Fish Employee Spotlight: Production Director Phil Roberts

Clients frequently request video production or motion graphics to implement into presentations.


          It’s because people are tired of boring, predictable PowerPoint slides. Adding video or animation serves as the visual eye candy that gives the audience a break from stale text. Learning the software and producing visuals is a strenuous and time-consuming task. It’s a task Phil Roberts, Head of Production, has mastered.… Continue Reading →

TED Talk Review: How I Beat Stage Fright

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What’s your biggest fear?

Think about it. Now think about standing on a stage, in front of 500 people, about to pitch an idea you’ve been working on for the last month.

What’s scarier?

When situations like this happen – public speaking – there’s two things that can happen: You place those 500 people in a state of awe, or you place yourself in a frozen state of fear.… Continue Reading →

C.O.U.R.A.G.E: The Essential Guide to Building Charisma


Excerpt from Kenny Nguyen’s blog

For the last three years, I’ve had many opportunities to speak nationwide about public speaking on behalf of my company Big Fish Presentations. However, while speaking alongside numerous great communicators, I’ve only seen a few that possess that certain “it” factor. That spark, fire, and swagger that makes them easily more likable and trustworthy than any other person in the room.… Continue Reading →

Don’t Panic! Here’s Your Presentation Emergency Cheat Sheet

Life happens: deadlines are pushed, meetings pop up and, sometimes, you have to be ready to present at any given time. You could be given a lot of time to prepare or no time. Your boss could drop a surprise presentation on you, and it’s your job to be able to handle it. For many people, presenting on the spot can be the biggest challenge when it doesn’t have to be.… Continue Reading →

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