For this Casual Friday, I’ve decided to take a departure from previous posts and talk about something I hated, rather than something I truly loved.
This is the story of the worst keynote speaker I’ve ever seen.
One thing I’ve noticed in my time here at Big Fish is the entire team shares a love for video games. Between the frequent blasting of 90’s music, ridiculous YouTube videos, and actual work, gaming is a common topic at our office.… Continue Reading →
What is hack day?
Well, it’s something we do here at Big Fish that, we guess, is unique to us. It basically involves working during the weekend. Now wait – before you close this window; know that hack day is much more than that.
See, we’re busy. Always busy actually. So when it comes to doing a lot of in-house projects or just fun ideas we want to execute, it’s hard to find the time to do it.… Continue Reading →
This week’s guest post is from Dima Ghawi. After emigrating from her home country of Jordan in l996 Dima pursued her passion for education and leadership, obtaining a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of San Diego and an undergraduate degree in Economics from San Diego State University. Dima is currently the Talent Development Manager for IBM at the Baton Rouge Services Center; responsible for implementing training programs for new employees. … Continue Reading →
Recently, Motorola released it’s new smart watch, the Moto 360. Even more recently Apple announced that it’s now dipping its own feet into the smartwatch industry.
As the list of ever-expanding smartwatches increases, we find ourselves asking which one is the best. Apple has clearly shown it can fit a lot into that tiny watch, but how does it stand up against the Moto 360 and vice versa.… Continue Reading →
This week we have a guest post from our friends over at Prezi. Specifically Rocio Medina, who is the regional Manager for Latin America, Spain and Portugal at Prezi. Before Prezi, Rocio spent 13 years helping global companies such as McDonalds, Mexicana Airlines, and Midas reach their goals in international markets. She also mentors young Latin entrepreneurs looking to bring their startups to the next level in Silicon Valley.… Continue Reading →
Our Casual Friday posts are meant to give you a look into the mind, thought process and likes of the people who make up Big Fish. We may talk about the things we like, don’t like, hate, so on and so forth, and then explain it… Or not explain it. It’s always kind of up in the air. The whole point is for you to get to know us a little better and add some faces and personalities to Big Fish.… Continue Reading →
Our goal has always been to help presenters. Our blogs, SlideShares and daily work is all about much more than gaining a following and making money. It’s about fixing something we find inherently wrong with presentations.
This is why we help companies, share our thoughts and provide tips and walkthroughs on how to combat the dull stigma of presentations. Our motto is “We turn presentations into experiences,” but it’s actually more along the lines of “We want to help you turn presentations into experiences.”… Continue Reading →
Here at Big Fish we pride ourselves on our presentation prowess. However, we don’t really like to boast about it that much. If you haven’t noticed, a lot of our blogs are mostly tips: top 10s, 7s, anything really.
Well, our goal from day one has been to rid the world of bad presentations. And, honestly, you don’t accomplish this by hogging knowledge.… Continue Reading →

If you haven’t noticed, we’ve been changing a lot of things around the office as of late. It’s a very exciting time for Big Fish, and we’d like to share what we’ve accomplished thus far.
In the last month, we have re-vamped our brand, updated our processes, hired new talent, moved into a new office AND re-designed our website!
Recently, we decided to change up our brand to better reflect our style and personality. … Continue Reading →