On June 3, 2016, the world lost a champion in Muhammad Ali. World-renowned for his confidence, charisma, and will, he was a source of inspiration for many of us that needed a figure to be their champion. Ali knew how to captivate his global audience through his words and actions both in and out of the ring. Known as the king of motivational quotes, among other titles, Ali’s words of wisdom have been used to inspire greatness.… Continue Reading →

Writer’s block happens to us all. When it comes to writing a term paper for class, an important presentation for work or a blog post for the week, sometimes your mind just draws a blank. No good ideas come to mind, and the ones that do are just absolutely terrible. As you continue to procrastinate, your deadline gets closer and closer, and the panic really starts to set in.… Continue Reading →
Preorder our new book, “The Big Fish Experience” to see everything we’ve learned over the years, all the resources we use to do what we do, and our tips on how to present experiences.
Public speaking is the number one fear in America. Death is number two.
From sweaty palms to cracking voices, speaking publicly can be terrifying, yet it is a crucial skill to have in the business world. … Continue Reading →