Author Archives: Big Fish Presentations

Testimonial Tuesday

testimonial logo

Big Fish has had many successes in the past year. From winning our first Addy award to Gus Murillo, our President, representing Big Fish as one of the top 50 Student-Run Businesses by the Kairos Society at the New York Stock Exchange, Big Fish is thrilled by these accomplishments and truly humbled. We could not have made it this far without people believing in us.… Continue Reading →

5 Phrases That Will Aggravate Your Audience


When you are giving a presentation, your main goal is to engage your audience and get them interested in what you are talking about. The last thing you want to do is bore your audience, or even worse make them angry. There are a few phrases that every unrehearsed speaker starts with. Those overused statements are the ones that will make your audience roll their eyes and say, “oh no, not this again.”… Continue Reading →

10 Quotes to Motivate You


Writer’s block happens to us all. When it comes to writing a term paper for class, an important presentation for work or a blog post for the week, sometimes your mind just draws a blank. No good ideas come to mind, and the ones that do are just absolutely terrible. As you continue to procrastinate, your deadline gets closer and closer, and the panic really starts to set in.… Continue Reading →

5 Reasons Why Typography is Powerful

Preorder our new book, “The Big Fish Experience” to see everything we’ve learned over the years, all the resources we use to do what we do, and our tips on how to present experiences.


It may be something we often overlook, but typography plays an essential part in the presentation process. Each logo we see is specifically designed with a font to fit the brand.… Continue Reading →

25 MORE Awesome Public Speaking Quotes

Hey guys!

We got a lot of positive feedback on our last set of 25 public speaking quotes, so we decided to dig a little deeper and find some more awesome quotes for you guys. These are some great words from some great and notable people in the presentation, public speaking and communication sectors. Do what you will with them, whether that’s memorizing them, putting them on your fridge or even just scanning them here for inspiration.… Continue Reading →

One small device for you, one giant LEAP for presentations

Imagine being able to drag files from one place to another within your computer. Literally.

Being able to move information around with the wave of your fingertips is something we could only imagine in a sci-fi movie.

Until now.

A San Francisco startup called Leap Motion has done away with touch-screen technology by creating a product that is 200 times more accurate than anything else on the market.… Continue Reading →

Steve Jobs’ Presentation Recipe

One year ago, Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs passed away.

He left behind a legacy that centered around passion for technology, fusing art with science to create one of the most advanced series of products we’ve ever seen.

Jobs was known for his passion for new products, which he best showcased in his keynotes. His skills are almost unparalleled. In this post, we’ll take a look at what exactly made these events so special, how the mistro of presentations approached and executed his most celebrated moments.… Continue Reading →

Do a Little Dance, Make a Big Point

What is the most creative presentation you’ve seen?

I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that it wasn’t a PowerPoint slideshow.

The truth is that most presentations aren’t exciting or entertaining. They consist of a series of images and text, conveying a message in a very straightforward way. We’ve experienced these presentations many times in our lives. We know they aren’t what they could be, and we know they’re fixable, but a lot of people have problems with changing their habits.… Continue Reading →

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