Rory Sutherland: “Perspective is Everything”

This week’s presentation breakdown features brand specialist Rory Sutherland.  “Rory Sutherland stands at the center of an advertising revolution in brand identities, designing cutting-edge, interactive campaigns that blur the line between ad and entertainment.” ( We take a look at his newest TED talk as he delves into the realm of perspective, applying psychological solutions to economical and technological problems.  Take a gander, and let us know what you think in the comments below or via Twitter or Facebook as well!  … Continue Reading →

25 Awesome Public Speaking Quotes

Preorder our new book, “The Big Fish Experience” to see everything we’ve learned over the years, all the resources we use to do what we do, and our tips on how to present experiences.

Public speaking is the number one fear in America.  Death is number two.

From sweaty palms to cracking voices, speaking publicly can be terrifying, yet it is a crucial skill to have in the business world.  … Continue Reading →

Kenny Nguyen: Simplistic Design + Passion in Presentations

Here’s a clip of our CEO/Founder being brave and presenting to a crowd how to deliver a presentation on presentations…without a presentation.  Darn technical mishaps. In the clip below, Kenny speaks about simplistic design, passion, and his story of entrepreneurship.  Check it out:

Note to self…always have a backup plan as the show must go on.… Continue Reading →

Presentation Breakdown: “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

So we’ve got numerous requests to do more of these TED presentation breakdowns, so we’ve thought to ourselves, “Why not feature the latest and coolest presentations?”

And that’s what we’re doing.

Today we’re featuring Simon Sinek’s “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” presentation:

Please see below our breakdown on how Sinek enchants his audience.


Simon Sinek

“How Great Leaders Inspire Action”

 0:00-0:28 – Begins the presentation with a series of questions to the audience

  • Right off the bat, Sinek has engaged the audience with a deep question, one that actually stimulates thought and creates a tiny wisp of suspense. 
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5 Small Business Tools We Love

DISCLAIMER: So I know this is a presentation blog, but hear me out; I just love the sport of business and the subject of entrepreneurship. A friend recently asked me about some tools I use in my business and that inspired me to do this blog post.

While I would love to write about the latest new business tools available, the tools I write about below are actual online tools we use daily to run Big Fish Presentations.… Continue Reading →

Big Fish take on Innov8: How the Presentation Guys Presented on Presentations Without a Presentation

Photo courtesy of BBR Creative:

Hey it’s Kenny. So I normally don’t write blog posts (I leave that to our brilliant copywriter Luke), but I thought this week is special. Yesterday, I had the honor of speaking at one of the LAUNCH hour luncheons at Innov8, Lafayette’s week-long festival highlighting the city’s growing entrepreneurship scene, innovation, and community. I was asked to deliver one of my “How to Create a Kickass Presentation” keynotes to the audience, which I speak about frequently, so I didn’t bother too much on changing things up.… Continue Reading →

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