One of the most difficult challenges of public speaking is creating a presentation that best represents your topic. You can spend hours upon hours attempting to craft something that will impact and entertain your audience.
This is why we want you to know about the SlideShare Summit – a free, virtual summit from March 9th to 14th. This summit will teach you how to build epic presentations, breathe life into old content, get more leads and subscribers, and build a brand that is truly memorable.… Continue Reading →

Last week we released a sample chapter from our latest book, The Big Fish Experience, and we hope it helped you learn a little bit about what makes a presentation simple, memorable, and understandable. As promised, this week our sample chapter focuses on “The Big Idea.”
This chapter is especially important because it defines your entire presentation. Behind every great presentation is a big idea; it inspires or challenges your audience to rally around a central idea. … Continue Reading →
Over the past few years, we have not only had the fortune to observe, but also work with some of today’s greatest presenters. As time passed, we found our own process to emulate some of the presenters we admired. We discovered that:
It may seem easy, but it wasn’t always this simple.… Continue Reading →
Remember to keep checking in! We’ll be updating the blog with new information about the book, links to supplemental materials, as well as chances to win Big Fish goodies!

At Big Fish, we believe that whether a presentation is about a product, a service, a business, or a cause, at the end of the day it’s a story. We wrote The Big Fish Experience to help you tell yours.… Continue Reading →
After attending more than five funerals in the past two years, Kenny asked himself: How can I craft a life story that others would love to tell? Though the past two years had been one of the roughest times of his life, it was also the most eye opening. When he got the opportunity to speak at Hubspot’s Inbound 2015, Kenny decided to take what he learned through his grief and use it to honor the loved ones he lost and continue their legacy in the community.… Continue Reading →

Live music can be one of the most captivating and addicting hobbies out there. The thrill you receive from seeing the band you love playing your favorite songs is (at least for me) unmatched by anything else. More importantly, the live music scene is experiencing a renaissance right now. Every year there are more and more festivals, paired with new ones springing up everywhere.… Continue Reading →
We’d like to preface by saying this post will carry a lot more value to those who subscribe to our blog – mainly because we know how to reach them better and more often. So, if you haven’t already, subscribe to our blog.
We’re not going to spam your or anything, scout’s honor. It’s super easy too, it’s this little form to the right where you fill out your name, email, and then hit that fancy button. … Continue Reading →
Recently, Motorola released it’s new smart watch, the Moto 360. Even more recently Apple announced that it’s now dipping its own feet into the smartwatch industry.
As the list of ever-expanding smartwatches increases, we find ourselves asking which one is the best. Apple has clearly shown it can fit a lot into that tiny watch, but how does it stand up against the Moto 360 and vice versa.… Continue Reading →
Our Casual Friday posts are meant to give you a look into the mind, thought process and likes of the people who make up Big Fish. We may talk about the things we like, don’t like, hate, so on and so forth, and then explain it… Or not explain it. It’s always kind of up in the air. The whole point is for you to get to know us a little better and add some faces and personalities to Big Fish.… Continue Reading →